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Economics Expert Witness Employs a “Before and After” Methodology to Quantify Plaintiff’s Damages

Posted on August 16, 2024 by Expert Witness Profiler

This action arises out of an alleged October 22, 2016 arrest and subsequent criminal prosecution of Plaintiff, which concluded with Plaintiff’s conviction for misdemeanor battery upon Officer Ermeri.

On October 20, 2020, Plaintiff Richard John Lucibella (“Lucibella”) filed a nine-count complaint in state court against Officer Richard Ermeri (“Ermeri”), Officer Savino (“Savino”), and the Town of Ocean Ridge (“the Town”).

Defendants filed a motion to strike a supplemental report provided by Fishkind, arguing that Plaintiff cannot establish substantial justification for the untimely disclosure, that the disclosure constitutes unfair surprise, and that the disclosure is inherently harmful.

Defendants also filed a Daubert motion to exclude testimony and opinions of Plaintiff’s purported expert witness, Henry Hank Fishkind. The crux of the motion to exclude Fishkind’s opinion testimony contended that he did not have the qualifications and experience necessary to render expert opinions on health care economics and that his methodology is neither reliable nor helpful to the jury. 

Economics Expert Witness

Henry Hank Fishkind is widely regarded as one of Florida’s premier economists and financial advisors. Fishkind’s career began in the public sector where he worked as an economist and associate professor at the University of Florida. In 1980, Fishkind became the associate director for programs at the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research. During his tenure at the university, Fishkind served from 1979-1981 on the governor’s economic advisory board. He began his career as a private sector consultant when he became president of M.G. Lewis Econometrics in Winter Park, Florida. In 1988, Fishkind formed Fishkind & Associates, Inc. as a full service economic and financial consulting firm.

He has a Ph.D. in economics with specialties in Urban and Regional
Economics and in Econometrics.

Want to know more about the challenges Henry Hank Fishkind has faced? Get the full details with our Challenge Study report. 

Discussion by the Court

Defendants’ Motion To Strike Plaintiff’s Untimely Expert Disclosure

The Court held that Fishkind was justified in providing the late-disclosed November Report because he did not have the necessary information, which was disclosed by Defendants after Fishkind’s initial report disclosure.

The remainder of Fishkind’s November Report consisted of information that district courts in the Southern District of Florida have deemed admissible routinely. 

Fishkind informed Defendants in his deposition that he would need to produce a supplemental report, and Fishkind’s tardy disclosure was justified based on the aforementioned difficulties with obtaining information, documents, and deposition testimony.

The Court found that the untimely disclosure of Fishkind’s November Report was substantially justified, harmless, and that Defendants are not unfairly prejudiced by the untimely disclosure—thereby satisfying Rule 37‘s admissibility standard.

Defendant’s Motion To Exclude The Testimony And Opinions Of Hank Fishkind


Defendants argued that Fishkind is not qualified to testify with respect to the subject-matter proffered by Plaintiff. The Court disagreed. Fishkind reviewed thousands of pages of financial and other records in this case.

While Defendants argued that Fishkind lacked the qualifications and experience necessary to render opinions about health care economics, the Eleventh Circuit has allowed expert testimony in similar situations.

Reliability and Helpfulness

Fishkind used a “before and after” methodology to quantify Lucibella’s economic damages. 

In calculating economic damages using the “before and after” method, Fishkind measured other factors such as economic considerations, regulatory changes, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services policy changes, all of which could have explained the deterioration of the financial performance of Lucibella’s business outside of the impacts stemming from alleged wrongful acts. Fishkind’s report also supplied methodology explaining how he calculated the deterioration in risk rating of Lucibella’s business. 

The Court found that most of the facts and/or data that Fishkind relied upon in calculating economic damages are the kind of information that economic experts would reasonably rely on in their field of expertise and in accordance with Federal Rule of Evidence 703.

The Court, however, held that Fishkind’s report contains two specific opinions that are not rooted in well-established and reliable methodology and are therefore inadmissible. Fishkind merely relied on Lucibella’s own statements, never quantified the impact of Lucibella’s defense on the management of his business, and never quantified the amount of time that Lucibella devoted to his defense. 

Finally, as it relates to the remaining claims in this matter—excessive force (Count II) and unlawful search of property (Count VII)—the Court found a sufficient nexus between the alleged acts from the date of the subject incident, the State of Florida disqualifying Lucibella from employment with State-licensed healthcare providers and the State’s Medicaid Program, and Fishkind’s economic calculations.


The Court granted in part and denied in part the Defendant’s Daubert motion to exclude testimony and opinions of Plaintiff’s purported expert witness Hank Fishkind.

Key Takeaway:

  • Fishkind’s expert report utilized metrics such as (1) risk rating impact and (2) reduction in growth rate to quantify his “before and after” methodology. The Court found Fishkind’s reasoning and usage of the “before and after” methodology sufficient to withstand Daubert scrutiny.
  • In calculating economic damages using the “before and after” method, Fishkind reviewed tax returns for Lucibella’s umbrella company along with detailed profit/loss statements for the underlying businesses. Additionally, Fishkind analyzed financial documents from 2012 to 2020 related to Lucibella’s businesses.
  • Fishkind’s damages opinion that relies upon the economic impact of the State’s disqualification is admissible—provided that sufficient facts are adduced and found at trial to support the existence of the alleged acts, the disqualification of Lucibella’s business, and causation that connects them.

Case Details:

Case Caption:Lucibella V. Town Of Ocean Ridge Et Al
Docket Number:9:20cv82156
Court:United States District Court, Florida Southern
Order Date:August 13, 2024