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Defendant’s Objections against the Accounting Expert Witness’ Damages Calculations Overruled

Posted on May 16, 2024 by Expert Witness Profiler

A district judge in North Carolina refused to exclude the accounting expert witness’ calculations of the Defendants’ revenues and profits earned in connection with their sales.

Plaintiff and Defendants sell heat transfer systems to industrial customers. In 2016, Plaintiff sued Defendants for trade secret misappropriation, breach of contract, unfair competition, and patent claims. That litigation terminated with a 2018 settlement agreement. According to that agreement, Defendants assigned to Plaintiff patents related to the design of a first-generation Fluid Tracing System (“FTS”) product and pledged specifically to “remove all reference to the [FTS] on its web pages and advertisements and cease all use of any materials referencing the [FTS].”  Defendants also agreed not to sell products into the Sulphur field for an exclusionary period of three years, with exceptions granted for four contracts allegedly in place at the time the settlement agreement was executed (i.e., the “excepted contracts”).

Following the settlement, Defendants developed a new heat transfer product, FTS Generation 2 (“Gen. 2”). As required under the settlement agreement, Defendants amended their marketing materials to remove references to the first-generation FTS.  Nonetheless, some of Defendants’ post-settlement marketing materials continued to depict FTS Gen. 1. Following the development of FTS Gen. 2, Defendants disseminated a chart indicating that the second-generation product performs better than FTS Gen. 1. Purporting to avail themselves of the excepted contracts provision of the 2018 settlement agreement, Defendants also sold their Gen. 2 product into the Sulphur field.

Plaintiff again sued Defendants in 2021, raising claims of false advertising and false designation of origin under the Lanham Act; racketeering under RICO; common law fraud, civil conspiracy, and breach of contract; and unfair and deceptive trade practices under North Carolina Law.

Expert Testimony

Plaintiff retained Glenn Newman as an expert to calculate the revenues and profits earned by Defendants in connection with their sales into the Sulphur field and sales of FTS Gen. 2 products after the effective date of the settlement agreement. Defendants offered Carson Hannah, an employee of QMax Industries, LLC, to opine on tests he designed and performed in 2019 (before Plaintiff instituted this litigation) showing that Defendants’ Gen. 2 product performs better than the Gen. 1 product for which Plaintiff holds the patent. Each party moves to exclude the other’s expert under Federal Rule of Evidence 702

Accounting Expert Witness

Glenn Newman, a forensic accountant, has provided a variety of financial consulting and accounting services to attorneys, insurance companies, governmental agencies and public and private corporations since 1980. Newman has served as a Neutral and Special Master and has held numerous leadership positions with the American Institute of CPAs.

Want to know more about the challenges Glenn Newman has faced? Get the full details with our Challenge Study report.

Discussion by the Court

Defendants moved to exclude Newman’s testimony as unreliable because he failed to establish a causal link between his damages calculations and Defendants’ alleged wrongdoing. Plaintiff contended that Hannah’s report has not “been subjected to peer review and publication,” and is not falsifiable because Hannah failed to record the amount of heat-transfer compound used.

Defendants’ Motion to Exclude Newman

They argued that a damages expert must establish causation by tracing ill-gotten gains to wrongdoing alleged in the complaint. Defendants contended that for an expert report to be admissible to prove disgorgement of profits under the Lanham Act, the expert must do more than assume a correlation between the alleged wrongdoing and the profits; the expert must instead examine causation between the alleged wrongdoing and the estimate of damages.

The Court held that the Plaintiffs retained Newman to opine on merely damages; not causation.

Defendants argued that an expert’s opinion as to damages must be causally related to the alleged harm. Assuming (as the Defendants might) that the jury accepts Plaintiff’s contention that the parties are direct competitors in a two-supplier market, the Court held that Newman’s disgorgement analysis is “causally related to the alleged harm.”

Defendants added that the astronomical amount of profits Newman contended the Defendants owe intensified the unreliability of Newman’s opinion. The Court held that the Defendants’ objection concerned the weight accorded to Newman’s testimony, not its admissibility.

Defendants argued that Newman’s report was unreliable because it did not apportion damages amounts to each of Plaintiff’s claims. According to the Defendant, an expert’s “failure to apportion the disgorgement of profits as to each claim renders his opinion unreliable because there is no way for the factfinder to differentiate which profits are attributable to which claims.”

The Court recognized the merit of Defendants’ claim that Newman’s disgorgement analysis had the potential to mislead a jury, citing the Plaintiff’s lack of entitlement to a disgorgement remedy on all their claims. The Court will address this issue if it materializes at trial. However, the Court denied Defendants’ motion to exclude.

Plaintiff’s Motion to Exclude Hannah

Defendants offered Hannah, a QMax employee, to opine regarding a test that he performed to compare the performance of the Gen. 1 and Gen. 2 FTS products.

Hannah only had to provide a disclosure stating “the subject matter on which [he] is expected to present evidence” and “a summary of the facts and opinions to which [he] is expected to testify” because he is a Rule 26(a)(2)(C) witness.

Plaintiff moved to exclude Hannah on the basis that his conclusions “were not based on sufficient facts or data and were not the product of reliable principles and methods.”

In 2019, before Plaintiff brought this suit, Hannah conducted a test apparently showing that Defendants’ Gen. 2 FTS product performed between 5% and 15% better (in terms of heat transfer) than the Gen. 1 FTS product. Hannah’s Rule 26(a)(2)(C) report did not contain any data from this test. When he conducted this test, Hannah failed to record the total amount of heat-transfer compound used to connect the FTS products to their respective process pipes, which could affect the performance of the FTS products. Hannah admitted that, based on his 26(a)(2)(C) report alone, it would be impossible to evaluate or recreate his analysis.

Since Hannah’s report did not contain the data on which he based his conclusion, Plaintiff contended that “Hannah’s opinions are based on no facts or data—nevermind sufficient ones—and must therefore be excluded.”

The Court held that the spreadsheets produced by Defendants in response to Plaintiff’s discovery requests, which apparently contain the data underlying the 2019 tests belied the Plaintiff’s contention that no such data existed.

Also, the Court held that “vigorous cross-examination” and “presentation of contrary evidence” at trial instead of the Court’s gatekeeping function should address the the reliability of Hannah’s conclusions.


The Court denied the parties’ motions to exclude. The Court held that the parties’ critiques were not without merit, but they ultimately concerned the weight, not the admissibility, of the relevant testimony. 

Key Takeaways:

  • As per Daubert, that district court reliability assessments should focus “solely on principles and methodology, not on the conclusions that they generate” when Defendants added that the astronomical amount of profits Newman contended the Defendants owe intensified the unreliability of Newman’s opinion.
  • Peer review and publication—while one indicator of reliability—is hardly a requirement for admissibility under Daubert‘s gloss on Rule 702. 

Case Details:

Case Caption:Controls Southeast, Inc. V. Qmax Industries, Inc. Et Al
Docket Number:3:21cv302
Court Name:United States District Court, North Carolina Western
Order Date:May 14, 2024