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Results for:

Robert Lawrence Cole

Robert Lawrence Cole


Benton, Arkansas

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Expert Details

Robert Lawrence Cole Sr. is a Trucking Industry expert based in Green Forest, Arkansas. He is also known as Larry Cole. He completed his education from Forest Park Senior High School, Forest Park Georgia and United States Air Force Administrative Technical School. He also served United States Air Force, Georgia Air National Guard and the Administrative Technical/Publication Distribution Office. He has been working in the Trucking Industry since 1984 so it makes him uniquely qualified to assist parties and attorneys as an expert witness relating to trucking cases. He held numerous positions in safety and compliance, trained ad supervised HAZMAT response teams in companies like Wooten Trucking, Inc., T. W. Owens, Harold Ives Trucking, Inc., Pro Transportation, Inc., Celadon Trucking, Inc., MCofA, Inc. and Celadon East, Inc. He is now the President of his company Trucking Experts Inc., which deals with transportation, risk management, safety consulting, expert witness, survey trucking companies, claims analysis and safety training. He was the youngest member of management in the history of Eastern Airlines. He was also a member of the team responsible for educating and training Mexican truck drivers to operate in the United States. He was also a member of a two-man team contracted with Kuwaiti investors to set up and operate a trucking company to support the U.S. Aid Iraq Project. He is a certified Smith System Defensive Driving Instructor, Mid-South Safety Council Defensive Driving Instructor, FMCSR Instructor, Breath Alcohol Technician, Sleep Deprivation/Fatigue Awareness, OSHA and Hazardous Materials Instructor, Drug/Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion, Courtesy Commercial Vehicle Roadside Inspector, Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Rodeo Evaluator and State of Arkansas Defensive Driving Instructor (CDL & Non-CDL Drivers). He has been testifying as an expert witness since 2012.

A previous Expert Challenge Study on Robert Lawrence Cole revealed:

Total Challenges52
Direct Challenges50
Indirect Challenges 2
Preliminary Screening Report

The Preliminary Screening Report (PSR) gives you both a snapshot of an expert’s testimonial history and an accurate assessment of how prolific a testifier that expert has been in the past. Most importantly, it is a tool to help you determine if there is enough information available regarding the expert to justify the investment in a full Expert Witness Profile.

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Expert Challenge Study

Learn about cases where an expert has been challenged under Daubert or their testimony has been criticized by the judge or the opposing party. See the grounds for such challenges, their outcomes (where available) and citations to underlying documents. The Challenge Study includes direct challenges to experts as well as instances where the expert’s testimony/ affidavit was submitted in support or against a motion.

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Expert Witness Profile

The Expert Witness Profile is the most comprehensive and cost-effective background report on an expert witness in the United States today. The product is used by lawyers, law librarians and paralegals practicing in every area of law and by the widest array of organizations: from AMLAW 100 law firms to sole practitioners to national associations of attorneys to expert search firms and even by expert witnesses themselves.