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Jeffrey Reid Hughes

Jeffrey Reid Hughes


Houston, Texas

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Expert Details

Jeffrey Reid Hughes, is an expert from Houston, Texas. He is an engineer from Texas. Jeffrey R. Hughes was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in August, 1953 and graduated from Baton Rouge High School in 1971. After graduation, he attended the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia where he studied physics and civil engineering. He transferred to Louisiana State University in 1974 and graduated with a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering in 1976. Jeffrey is also a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. He holds the position of President at President at HTK Consultants, Inc.Dr. Hughes worked on Land, Inland barges, Jackups, Drillships, Semi-submersibles, Platform rigs.After graduating from LSU, Hughes went to work for Placid Oil Company in Houma, Louisiana as a District Drilling Engineer until 1981, then Texoma Production Company in Houston, Texas as their Drilling Superintendent until 1984, and then to Pelto Oil Company in Houston, Texas as their Drilling Manager until the company sold in 1990.Hughes is past President and current Treasurer of the American Association of Drilling Engineers - Houston Chapter (AADE), current President of the American Association of Drilling Engineers - National Chapter (AADE), as well as a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the American Petroleum Institute (API), and the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). He has served as First Vice President from 2000-2002 where his duties included soliciting speakers for the monthly luncheon meetings. He was elected President of the Houston Chapter in 2002 and served in that capacity from 2002-2004. In 2004, Hughes was elected Treasurer of the Houston Chapter and he currently holds that position, in addition, Jeffrey helps out annually at the AADE Sporting Clay Shoot, AADE Las Vegas Night, and the AADE Golf and Saltwater Fishing Tournaments. Jeffrey was elected Vice President of the AADE National Chapter in 2007 and was elected President of that organization in 2009.Jeffrey currently lives in Houston, Texas and enjoys boating, fishing, and spending time at the beach. Jeff's daughter, Jessica, just graduated from law school in Orlando, Florida after graduating from Tulane University in May, 2007 and Jeffrey’s son, Campbell, is a business major and on the tennis team at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi. His location is 15425 North Freeway, Suite 180, Houston, Texas 77090.

A previous Expert Challenge Study on Jeffrey Reid Hughes revealed:

Total Challenges4
Direct Challenges2
Indirect Challenges 2
Preliminary Screening Report

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Expert Challenge Study

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Expert Witness Profile

The Expert Witness Profile is the most comprehensive and cost-effective background report on an expert witness in the United States today. The product is used by lawyers, law librarians and paralegals practicing in every area of law and by the widest array of organizations: from AMLAW 100 law firms to sole practitioners to national associations of attorneys to expert search firms and even by expert witnesses themselves.